
  • Kohtee Aramboy 苏达拉·布查蓬 Yingsak Chonglertjetsadawong Channarong Khuntee-tao Jaturong
  • 120分钟
  • Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghos…Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.


电影顽皮鬼2由Kohtee,Aramboy,苏达拉·布查蓬,Yingsak,Chonglertjetsadawong,Channarong,Khuntee-tao,Jaturong,Mokjok,Warapat,Petchsatit,阿萍雅·萨库尔加伦苏,Wiradit,Srimalai,Ekkachai,Srivichai倾情出演,豆瓣评分3.0 分,在泰国火热播出,影片英文名:wanpigui2 ,电影顽皮鬼2剧情讲述了Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.星空影院提供电影顽皮鬼2全集高清未删减完整版在线观看,顽皮鬼2手机免费观看,星空影院从互联网自动 收集了精彩电影《顽皮鬼2》片源供广大影视爱好者分享,请大家支持正版电影。


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